It is one of the villages in Al-Dir'iyyah Governorate of Riyadh Province, 35 km northwest of Riyadh City. One of the favorite destinations for desert and mountain hiking and outdoor activities is biking, road trip driving, sightseeing, picnics, and camping, especially during the weekend. It is expected to see bikers flocking the area during the morning on Fridays and Saturdays; the picturesque natural charm of the valleys and the distinctive formations of rocks, mountains, and valleys draw people to Al Amaariah.
You will find the famous Al Amaariah Clefts here; the hills of the mountain are cut architecturally to control the slope of the road crossing from one side to the other side of the mountain. The artistic cutting eventually became an attraction and made the place one of the most talk-about sites in Riyadh's province.
It has a number of state parks and one of the villages where beautiful resorts are located, from standard to the 5-star rated class. Riyadh province is a desert central region of the Kingdom, and so, among the attractions that draw people visiting are the farms in the nearby towns and villages of Riyadh City; Al Amaariah has them, too, from dates farms to vegetables and fruit farms.
Major Attractions:
Al Amaariah Cleft 1
Al Amaariah Cleft 2
Activities You Can Do
Mountain biking
Mountain road drive trip
Picnic & Camping
Farm visits and adventures
Facilities Available
Private Resorts
State Parks
Private Farms
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List of State parks
Al Amaariah State Park
Amaariah Park
Al Amaariah State Park
Al Amaariah State Park is a 25 km meandering riverbed valley park located west of Al Amaariah Center.
The best time to come
The best time to come in is during the winter and spring seasons.
* Flowers are blooming all around
* Moderate to cold temperature
Coming here during the summertime will put you in trouble of suffering the high
the searing temperature even at nighttime because the place is barren, with only a few trees
standing – you can even call it treeless.
What to Expect:
You will have the chance to see different species of birds, wild & tamed.
Falcon, eagles, and other small birds
There are barns where you can interact with camels, sheep, goats, and donkeys. However, you need to seek permission from the owners since private individuals own the barns.
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